Tuesday 22 December 2015

HAIR CARE | with Madison Reed

Hair care isn't something I've discussed a lot on my blog but something that takes priority in my every day beauty routine - so when Madison Reed asked me to discuss my hair do's and dont's I thought it'd be a great opportunity to give you my best tips!

Naturally, being obsessed with beatuy products doesn't just mean I focus on my face. I absolutely love finding new masques, serums and anything else that will make my blonde hair shine.

I am naturally blonde but I get a full head of highlights approximately every 5-6 weeks to keep it fresh and bright - which means keeping it nourished, strong and healthy is something I proiritize every day without fail. I'm also not one for getting my hair trimmed, ever (I don't believe it makes it healthier, although it may make it look thicker - I'm trying to grow it, so trimming is not an option for me!) so keeping it happy & healthy is essential.


Find a good hairbrush
As you would a makeup brush, find something that's going to be gentle for your hair. I personally use a Tangle Teezer becasue I can run it through wet hair without it catching and breaking. P.s - try & keep brushing to a minimum, too much can damage your hair and cause breakage.

Keep heat to a minimum
 As I wash my hair every day, that generally means I need to dry it every day too - but I'll try and keep the heat as low as possible and for the shortest time possible. I'll leave my hair to air dry a little whilst doing my makeup before I use the hairdryer and if I'm not leaving the house I'll just skip the dryer completely and leave it to dry naturally.

Don't skip on products
As I said, I am not about to get my hair cut anytime soon, they don't have to be the most expensive, but finding a product that's effective at nourishing your hair is essential to maintaining an easy, healthy hair lifestyle and helping to keep the ends straggle-free!

Stop picking!
How easy is it to sit there and pick at your split ends? Addictive isn't it! You may think you're getting rid but you're just breaking your hair further. If your ends are in dire need of a re-fresh, always opt for a trim rather than pulling at your hair.


My daily routine:

 I wash my hair every day (which although isn't the best option, shouldn't be too much of a problem with proper care) - I have to because my hair gets very greasey - quickly and it's something I personally cannot stand! I just lighty shampoo once,  normally using Aussie's Miracle Moist shampoo.

I never use a conditioner.. as such! Instead of a conditioner I use a masque every time I was my hair. Some may say it's excessive but nothing leaves my hair feeling as shiny or as good after a wash. My go-to product is the Tresemme Keratin Smooth masque, it's incredible. I can use as much as I like and it never leaves my hair feeling heavy or full of product, this is something I constantly re-purchase and don't go a day without.
 And the last product I'll use before I dry & style my hair is some sort of a leave in conditioner/oil.
My top 3 I switch between are: Aussie Miracle Recharge, Moroccan Oil and Kerastase Ciment Thermique, all of those are great at making my hair easy to brush, shiny and healthier.


As I mentioned, products don't have to cost a bomb, raw-all-natural coconut oil is a dreamboat for your hair. I bought a big tub for about £5.00 and trust me - you cannot use this quickly. A little goes a massively long way and will last you ages. Once or twice a week before bed, I melt a tea-spoon amount into my hands and coat my ends-mid lengths and once washed off in the morning, I have beautifully shiny, nourished hair without using any nasties or chemicals. I've mentioned it in a previous post before - this is a great all round product that your body will love too & I cannot recommend it enough!

Link to my hair care heros:

Please share with me your HG products, top tips & hair heros!


Take some tips from Madison Reed:

If you are thinking about changing up your hair color, check out Madison Reed's hair dye advisor 


Tuesday 17 November 2015

FACE TO FACE | My top two budget foundations

When it comes to makeup, foundation is something I never EVER skip. Simply because I don't have flawless skin.. Now, it's not the worst in the world, but for me, I would just always rather cover it up. Mix that with a mega oily T-zone and I have one hell of a foundation mission on my hands!

Firstly, no matter what foundation I use, I will always get oily throughout the day & I've totally accepted that, but, what I do look for is something that's going to give me full coverage and stay put, so something like concrete *insert smirk emoji*!

Secondly, I like something with yellowy/golden undertones as I fake tan, but my cheeks and face have a more pinkish tone so I always need something that's going to match my body once applied.

Now these are both the same brand - L'Oreal. And that is just a coincidence, the quality of both of these is just incomparable to any other budget foundation for me.

These foundations are no revelation to any beauty girl, I'm sure you've all been there, done that with these.. but here's why I love them..


L'Oreal True Match

True Match is a firm fave of the likes of Lauren Curtis and tons of beauty girls around the world, me included. There's nothing I don't love about it.. Full coverage, super blendable, great colour range and cheap! It's a runny liquid and I find its best applied with a beauty sponge, as it is full coverage, that will ensure you don't go over board, help to remove any excess product & end up cakey!

I use Golden Beige & it has the perfect amount of golden tones to suit my fair, but slightly tanned skin tone and cancels out any rosey/pink shades in one layer. It's without a doubt thick enough that if you do it right first time, you'll never need another layer - maybe just a little concealer for that extra flawless edge.

This foundation is one I go back to constantly, I've never found one I like as much, as it without a doubt rivals any high-end foundation in my opinion. For the price, you just can't beat it.


L'Oreal Infallible 24H-Matte

The hype when this one dropped was pretty huge, but I didn't buy the foundation straight away. I picked up the matching primer and absolutely loved it but it took me a while to give this a go.

Now, I think I set my hopes way too high for this, being so oily I thought this would literally concrete my T-zone, but it didn't. So accepting of my oil and focusing on this as a foundation, it is a very close call from this and the True Match. It comes out less liquidy and more like a liquid/gel and blends out way more powdery, hence the mega matte promises.

It gives me full coverage and it's easy to blend although it does need a little more work due to the thicker texture. Again, the price is fantastic for the quality of the product, but the colour range is a tiny bit off for me but nothing that can't be improved with a little powder/bronzer.. I took Rose Beige in this as I actually found it to be less pink that the other shades?!

But overall, and judging by the love it received when it came out, I would say this could rival True Match, but it doesn't quite take the biscuit!


Let me know your must-have budget foundations and if you can recommend any that will take my top spot

Until next time,

Lily x

Thursday 27 August 2015


What's your cleansing routine like? Non-existent? Simple? Harsh? Or all-out?
I went through phases, the typical 'oh just this one night I'll sleep in it - it'll be okay I'll wash it off in the morning' and then the other end of the scale like 'let me slap it all on NOW!'
I believe this is because I've never found something that I like enough, if I had, I'm pretty sure I would have wanted to use it every night.. You don't skip your fave foundation in the morning do you?.. Nope.. So, I have tried a cleansing oil before, it was from Lush but for me, it was almost too oily! I found it way too greasy and like most of my skincare, I gave up on it!
But, I recently started having a little shop around online for a good cleanser, my skin needed it - I have the oiliest skin EVER and I was getting itchy dry patches around my nose - that's when I know something is seriously up - me? dry skin?? So I came across this and there are a lot of reviews online, probably what swayed me the most, along with the fact it's camomile and my red, itchy skin was crying out for some soothing love.
I use two pumps of this, apply it all over my face with my hands as if I'm using a makeup wipe and then I run my muslin cloth under warm water, ring out and start to gently wipe away the oil.. and ALL of my makeup.
Not only is this super soft, I love the fact I don't feel like I'm stretching/scrubbing my delicate skin to within an inch of its life, especially around my eyes and with that, it's getting rid of every inch of my makeup. It definitely does not leave a greasy residue on my skin, rather a soft, comfortable feeling base and completely clean.
I still apply my normal moisturizer after & I've given up my harsh toner for a while. I still get the normal hormonal spots.. this hasn't completely over-hauled my skin, but it is definitely the best cleanser I've use and I've been using it day & night religiously for almost two weeks now.
My favourite thing about this cleanser is that it's hassle free. The only thing I would say is even though it is gentle, it can sting my eyes a little but as soon as I wipe my face over with the cloth and remove the oil it's back to normal.
So as far as cleansers go, I wont be looking for another for quite a while, I'm really enjoying using it and I love getting into bed with a fresh face knowing that I have no makeup what so ever festering on my skin over night! Blergh.
I paid £12.00 from The Body Shop - but always keep an eye out online as the always have some sort of discount running.
Let me know your fave face cleanser.. or are you yet to find your HG?
Until next time,
Lily x


Sunday 23 August 2015



Sunday 9 August 2015


I could pretty much just write 'sensational' and have done with it.. but I think you'd all either agree with me, or never visit my blog again! If you have seen my YouTube vids you will notice that I have used and raved about this mascara every time!
I have seen a lot of people raving about it too, so I'm dying to know if anyone doesn't like this little gem?

Hands down, the best mascara I have EVER used and think I will ever use, because I have no intention to even bother picking up a different one! Which sounds terrible and extremely boring of me for not wanting to review loads of different ones, but I think you will thank me if this is the first time you've heard of this because I am very confident that anyone and everyone will love this mascara!
I curl my lashes before applying this and some mascaras I find to weigh my lashes down and they don't hold the curl nice and high.. I mean if you're curling your lashes you want them to stay up there don't you!? But this does just that, it's not heavy or clumpy at all, but that doesn't take away from the volume or length it gives my lashes.
I think it lengthens them to their full potential, making them black and thick and noticeable, without ending up in a clumpy, flaky mess.
It's described as a 'lash multiplying' mascara and that's exactly what it is.
The brush is rubber, slightly curved and it has different length bristles all around it. Shorter ones I use for my lower lash line for more precision and then I flip the brush over and use a mix of the longer rubber bristles and the shorter ones to get right into my lash line and to lengthen when I pull up my lashes.
This does not transfer on to my under eye area or my eyelid, something which I find a lot of mascaras do. I promise, no panda marks by 5pm and no flaking/crumbling at all.
I also used to be the girl that took 10 mins doing her mascara on each eye to get it perfect and get maximum results, but I can honestly just do this super quickly and be done for the day.
Gym and sweat proof and by the end of my working day my lashes are still coated, curled and volumised.. all I could ever ask for!
This pic is with one quick coat on my lashes for a natural look.. the length & curl is what I aim for the most and this definitely achieves.
Until next time,
Lily x

Tuesday 4 August 2015


Hey lovelies, carry on reading for a rather disappointing review.. but don't fear it ends on a gorgeous, glowing high!

SO, how huge was the hype for St. Tropez Gradual Tan In-Shower Lotion? I was massively excited to pick this up and my thoughts were 'if I can tan and be showered in 3 minutes, this is nothing short of a miracle!' And yes, this is far from a miracle.

I used this for a good few weeks, followed the instructions to a T (you basically shower, turn the water off and apply this all over, wait 3 mins, then rinse). Of course, this is a gradual tan so my expectations weren't to get an amazing tan in one go, but to at least get SOME colour! I used this every day and my skin colour remained pretty much exactly the same. I'm not mega tanned or super pale so I thought this would without a doubt leave me with some sort of colour, but it didn't at all.

As for the product itself, it didn't smell 'biscuity' like a lot of tans, but I personally don't mind that smell, especially if it works well! It is a cream product, but it dried my skin out and I have oily skin so trust me, that takes a lot. And obviously, the most disappointing factor, it didn't work!

This is definitely not a hate post on St. Tropez because I love their normal tans, gorgeous colour & a massive fan base to show the quality of their products, but, for me this tan just didn't cut it at all.

Okay, moving on. I was in Boots a few weeks ago and picked up the new Palmers Natural Bronze Spray. I was hesitant to buy this because 1) I'm not a fan of body moisturizers (I cringe at the thought of having a greasy moisturizer under my clothes!) and 2) I immediately thought 'STREAKS!!!'
But, in the name of Beauty and because I should try new products for the purpose of my blog, I went for it and oh boy, yes yes yes yes YES!

I've found my holy grail gradual tan and I hope, if you hadn't noticed this product already, now you have too!

The spray can is such a quick option when you want to whack it on before bed without bringing out the mit/gloves and the whole sha-bang! It comes out white/clear and I just spray it in a stripe, down the front and backs of my arms/legs and then just rub it in. It spreads really easily so you don't need to keep spraying more product on to your skin and the main thing for me, it soaks in COMPLETELY within about a minute, enough for me to put clothes on straight after without feeling sticky and gross and that my friends, IS a miracle!

I can hear you all thinking, such an easy, care-free process, I bet you look like a Zebra? Nope! I swear, I have found this product to be completely streak free, including my hands, knuckles, elbows, knees. This product has left me with no build up, no streaks and no nasty patches. Obviously, just do your best to rub it in as evenly as possible, but I've barely made an effort with this and every time I have ended up with an even, non-orange toned, fresh tan.

It smells like regular Palmers, chocolately and gorgeous! The only thing I would remind you to do to avoid any mis-haps, is to wash your palms after because it does stain those a little.

I'll be honest and say it doesn't moisturize as heavily as their tubs of cream, but that's perfect for me and it definitely doesn't dry my skin out.

I picked this up for around £5.00 on a Boots offer, but the £7.99 price for this is most definitely worth it to look like a bronzed goddess every damn day for so little effort!

Side note * you could use this in the morning or evening, I use it before bed so it can develop over night, but if you wanted to use it in the morning & go about your normal day I'm sure it would work just fine, just be careful of sweating, for streaking purposes!

* I will include this in a faves video with a little demo, pictures don't show the formula as it sprays into pretty much nothing! *

Let me know your thoughts on both of these products either here, or over on my Insta or Twitter. I would love to know what you think of these and if you agree.
Until next time,

Lily x
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